Internet Marketing Methods for Small Businesses

Internet Marketing Methods for Small Businesses

Building a website is just the beginning of marketing your business on the internet. Retail stores advertise in many ways to get live customers to walk through the door. Your site is a cyber door and you still have to advertise to get customers to enter.

Be social

Social network sites like Facebook and Twitter are helpful in getting others to know what you have to offer and developing a community. Some call them gossip sites, but the truth is word of mouth advertising works. Facebook pages can be created with ease. The personal interaction with your clients and friends is invaluable. Keep your tweets informative and fun for your followers and you will see your customer base grow.

Get on top

When prospective customers are searching the internet for your product or service, it is important that your company appears at the top of the list. Improve your search engine ranking by using keywords that will match what the customer is looking for. There are several sites that can help you choose keywords that may help you get a higher rating with search engines, like Google Insights or Google AdWords Keyword Tool.

Start a Blog

Everyone is doing it; there are millions of sites on the web where you can do it too. You can set up a blog on your website or take advantage of other sites that allow open discussions. When you make comments and share ideas on other related business sites you are getting free publicity and increasing your search engine rank at the same time. Be sure to use your company name and keywords in your blog to increase your ratings.

Keep it fresh

Update your website often. Maintaining a website yourself can become overwhelming when you have a business to run. You can hire an outside web designer to build your site, but if you do, be sure you learn and understand the basics. You can save a lot of money if you do minor updates on your own. And who knows your business better than you?

Get published

Everyone is an expert at something. You are the pro when it comes to your business. Let others know how you can help them by writing articles and stories about your experiences. There are many article directories that are looking for quality work to publish. You can write about your topics, gain recognition with your peers and increase search ranking for free.

 Let your web address be known

Print your website address on business cards, letter heads and brochures. Yellow page and newspaper ads should never be published without your web address. Mobile advertising on vehicles can be as simple as a one-liner in the back window of a car, or make a statement and turn your truck into an ad on wheels with vinyl graphics. Pens, hats and even t-shirts are also effective ways to promote your website.

Free business listings

Search your company name and you will be surprised at the many business listing sites. Claim your listing and customize the information with pictures, logos, contact information and links to your website.


Allow customers to email directly from your site if they have questions or comments. Offer a newsletter or special discount in exchange for their email address. Build a database for future internet promotions.

How to Search for a Job Online

Most people don't particularly enjoy the process of job hunting, however, it is necessary if you are looking for work. These days, we have a lot of different resources available to assist us with our job search, making the process a lot easier. It is important to ensure you have a good CV before applying for a job and that you tailor it to suit the job you are applying for. You should also send a cover letter with each application. These are some methods to use when searching for a job online.

Job Sites

Although we have many more options available to us, job sites still have a place in the process. There are many different job sites online and using the search facility can help you find the one which suits your experience and skills. If you search for the job title and location on Google, you will obtain a list of job sites which are relevant to you. Job sites also provide an option for registering your CV and your details, so you receive an email when any relevant opportunities come up. This saves you the time searching for opportunities on a daily basis.

Register with Agencies

Recruitment agencies can be an effective source for job hunting and many have the option for registering online, rather than physically going to the office. The more agencies you register with, the greater your options, so it is well worth taking the time to broaden your options.

Social Media

Social media can offer a wide range of options when it comes to searching for a job online. There is a job searching facility on LinkedIn for instance, but you can also let your connections know that you are currently seeking work. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter also allow you to search for keywords, so you can find relevant jobs which suit your skills and experience. Many headhunters use social media to find candidates, so make sure your profile contains as much information as possible on what you can offer.


When it comes to searching for a job online, you need to be pro-active with your search. You can use platforms such as LinkedIn to find useful connections, such as recruiters or business owners and ask them if they have any opportunities. Advertising jobs via job sites can be costly, so many employers choose to headhunt instead. You never know what opportunities you might discover if you broaden your network and you will also show employers that you are pro-active in your job search.

 Company Websites

Many businesses will only advertise on their own website, due to the cost of advertising elsewhere. It is a good idea to make a list of potential employers in your field and search via their website to find out if they have any relevant opportunities.

Government Websites

Most government websites provide employers with an option for free advertising, so this can be a useful resource to try when searching for a job online. You can also register on the website so that you receive alerts when any relevant opportunities arise.

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